Wednesday, December 1, 2010

damn broads! on blogger

we're branching out. we've got a blogger account now. the broads are becoming technologically savvy. just kidding, we have no idea what we're doing on the internet half the time - we are just a bunch of broads after all. there are about a billion places you can find us online, all of which i'm about to list in this blog post right here. alright, here we go:

facebook. that's your best bet for keeping updated with and/or following the broads. most people have got facebook accounts now so if you've got one (and chances are you've got one, if you're a human that is) then just "like" us and you'll be kept informed of all the broads' business. if you don't have a facebook account then good for you. give yourself a pat on the back. you don't need no stinking social networking site dragging you down!

youtube. this is where you can find videos of us broads. so far we've only got three videos up, all from the summer (before we really started playing shows) but we're planning on putting up a shitload more while we're on our writing hiatus. we'll be putting up videos from shows, from practices, from when we're just fucking around and being the damn dumb broads that we are, you name it...

our "official" website. this one we're kind of proud of. it would look a lot cooler if it didn't have the little wix advertising logo everywhere but what can you do? it's a free site and for a free site it's pretty good. this is where you can find lists of our past shows, photos of the broads not published anywhere else, links to broads media and reviews, etc.

myspace. fuck myspace. it's too hard to navigate, it's practically one giant advertisement site, and whenever we try and log on one of our computers comes crashing down from some virus we picked up on the site. we're probably not going to update the myspace account very much anymore so really it's not your best bet to contact us, but if it's the only way you can get ahold of us then go for it.

blogger. we've obviously got one of these blogger accounts now. you're reading it as we speak. well, fine, we're not technically speaking right now, if you want to be literal like that... but you know what i mean. here's where you can find lyrics, photos, show listings, updates and more once we get to it. i'm gonna try and update this site as much as possible starting in the new year... because obviously everyone wants to hear about the happenings of the damn broads! am i right? yeah, i'm right...

email. if that's how you want to get in touch with the broads, then go right ahead. just a little warning in advance, though... we're not known for checking our email very regularly. we're actually pretty horrible at the whole checking-email thing that most people do. so if you write to us on there and don't get a response back for say a week, or a month, or a year... well, you can't say we didn't warn you that might happen.

so that's that. stay tuned for more updates and all that jazz. (and by jazz i don't mean literal jazz, obviously we're a punk band that plays punk music. grrrrr. see, that's angst right there. angsty punk music. disaffected youth. all that.) the end.