our first show in new york was fucking awesome! we had a great time and we loved all the bands who played, all the kids who came out to the show and really pretty much everybody over at valentine's. we had a great time.
the broads have played shows in connecticut and massachusetts, but that's been it so far - until this past friday when we finally got ourselves over to new york to play valentine's in albany. it was our best first-new york-show ever!
if we could play shows like the one at valentine's the other night, every night, we probably would. the club, the kids, everything about it was just awesome.
now don't get us wrong... we love playing connecticut. it's our home. we love the el 'n gee (even if we do have to watch our backs around the new london police department every time we play a show there), we love the whitney house (but really, who doesn't love the whitney house), we miss wrench in the works... we love all the basements, warehouses and various other buildings we've played in our state. but playing a new state is pretty cool too.
everyone at the show friday night was so good to us. people danced, people sang, people were awesome. we loved people on friday night.
we'd like to thank pauly for getting us on the show (and doing everything else he did for the broads), ash for taking the video, all the bands (Hijinx, Never Odd or Even and Society High... you guys are all amazing and we're so glad we got to share the stage with you), all the kids that danced and sang along with us, and all the other kids who just went out to the show. and everybody else.
we can't wait to play valentine's again, which we will be doing in about a month - april 23rd for those of you keeping track. it's a good thing we're going back then too because we somehow forgot to bring michelle's bass home (which is actually riley's bass that michelle uses... michelle's gonna have to use her own bass until then). thankfully they're keeping the bass safe up there for us until we return to play with the spins, zero climax, the dead tricks and dead aces. that's gonna be a great show too. we can't wait to go back!